Towns and Cities with the most single womens 35-44 in Texas

City, State single womens 35-44
Houston, Texas 64313
Dallas, Texas 39954
San Antonio, Texas 36817
Austin, Texas 22518
Fort Worth, Texas 19558
El Paso, Texas 17639
Arlington, Texas 9876
Corpus Christi, Texas 8358
Irving, Texas 6779
Garland, Texas 5774
Laredo, Texas 5687
Plano, Texas 5159
Lubbock, Texas 5061
Grand Prairie, Texas 4791
Amarillo, Texas 4693
Brownsville, Texas 4562
Mesquite, Texas 4349
Beaumont, Texas 3856
Pasadena, Texas 3687
McAllen, Texas 3249

Jenny the census dog says
Pomeranians count too!


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Sources of information: Census, FBI Crime Statistics, NOAA
Disclaimer: The information presented here are for the general population, assume the same rate of crime in the future, and an evenly distributed amount of crime throughout the city in question. They are not meant to accurately predict whether one person in particular will be a victim of crime. Percentages are based on the population of the city/town in question, except for burglaries, which are based on the number of households..