Life in Evansville, Indiana

Evansville Reviews Indiana Message Board
Are you thinking of moving or relocating to Evansville, Indiana? Would you like to know what the quality of life is like living in Evansville?
Randy Anderson reports in this review:
WeatherHow much crime?What are the neighborhoods like?What are the people like?
The summers are relatively mild and comfortable. The temperatures can reach into the lower 90s occasionally, but a much more comfortable lower 80s is much more common. The winters are also relatively mild, with the temperature dropping below freezing regularly. But snow only happens once or twice a winter and the snowfall is typically just an inch or so.Evansville has an average amount of crime for its size and location. Murders are not a frequent problem and when they do occur they tend to be related in some way to a domestic disturbance. There is an ongoing burglary and theft problem, mostly associated with meth use in the surrounding small towns. But the town feels safe overall and being a victim of crime isn't something most people worry about.The Bayard park neighborhood is one of the city's best areas. Located between Lincoln and Washington Avenues, it contains a large number of renovated homes from the 1880ss, including some impressive Queen Anne-style houses and a number of simple bungalows. There aren't a lot of "bad" parts of Evansville, but the one area to avoid is west of Hwy 41 and south of Diamond. The area is rundown and includes the area's only real homeless population. The homes are rundown, with many of them seemingly abandoned.Because Evansville is the only largish town for several hundred miles, you might expect that many young people would leave town for college and not come back. But the town has a thriving economy with a number of good middle-class jobs. So many of the residents were born in town and remain for generations. The population is about 80 percent white, with another 15 percent Africa-American. If you're Hispanic or Asian, the town probably doesn't have the amenities you would be looking for in a hometown. It's a very family-oriented town and has won several awards for being one of the best places to live in the U.S.
Downtown AreaSchoolsNoisetown comparison vs.
The downtown area has been extensively renovated and remodeled and offers up a charming mix of small mom and pop stores as well as some top chains.The quality of the public schools vary, with the ones on the West and North sides of town considered to be the better places to send your kids.Highway 41 runs right through part of Evansville and it is a major North-South hub, which means it brings a lot of noise and traffic.Evansville is the hub for the entire region, so there aren't any similar nearby towns to compare it to. Owensboro, Kentucky is the closest town of a similar size and it's across the Ohio River and about an hour drive from Evansville. But while Evansville feel Midwestern, Owensboro feels much more like a Southern town, with its popular BBQ festival and a number of regional food and farming business headquartered in town. It's also even more white than Evansville, with less than ten percent of the population non-white. Newburgh, Indiana is located just East of Evansville and while it is considered part of the Evansville Metro area, it has more than 35,000 residents and a much different feel. Newburgh is filled with antique stores and small craft businesses and it caters to local residents who want to get away for the weekend.
Best hospitalTourist attractionsGeneral comments 
Evansville is a major medical hub for Indiana and Kentucky, with both Deaconess and St. Mary's Hospitals offering cutting-edge medical care.Evansville has some amazing recreational areas, with the waterfront parks offering some spectacular views of the Ohio River. Nearby Angel Mounds is the site of one of the oldest known Indian settlements, dating back to 1,400 A.D.Evansville has a friendly Middle America vibe to it. It was founded in the early 1800s, so there are a number of historic parts of town that give it a quiet elegance. But you'll also find a number of hip stores and as much shopping as you would ever need. There is a great art scene and if you love sports, you'll find everything from high school games to minor league baseball, hockey, football and soccer. 
Evansville, Indiana population: 117429

How many black people live in Evansville? How many white people?
Number of White People96266Percentage of White people82%
Number of Black People17089Percentage of Black people14.6%
Number of Hispanic People3640Percentage of Hispanic people3.1%
Number of Asian People1754Percentage of Asian people1.4%
Number of American Indian People916Percentage of American Indian people0.8%

Note: Numbers may add up to >100% because some people are more than one race.

Evansville, Indiana

Percent college grads: 18.5%
Percent grad school grads: 6.2%
Unemployment rate: 7.8
Median house value: 89400
Median income: 35469

How many singles in Evansville?

Single men ages 20-34Single women ages 20-34Ratio of single men to women age
953393381.02men for each woman
Single men ages 35-44Single women ages 35-44Ratio of single men to women age
351533411.05men for each woman
Single men ages 45-54Single women ages 45-54Ratio of single men to women age
379540980.93men for each woman

Crimes in Evansville, Indiana
CrimesAbsolute numbersAverage percentage chance of being a victim in
by typeof crimesOne YearFive Years
Aggr. Assault2820%1%
Auto Theft2100%1%

Weather History for Evansville, Indiana

Evansville, Indiana Basic Temperatue and Weather (30 year averages)
MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year0000694946626575
How many days and how much precipitation and snow for Evansville, Indiana?

Number of days of rain
(.1 inch or greater)
total rainfallNumber of days of snow
(.5 inch or greater)
Total snowfall
Average year7546210
Realistic temperatures, taking into account precipitation, amount of sunlight during the day, winds during the day, and humidity during hot days.

MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year0066313213345433102

How many hot humid days a year does Evansville, Indiana have?
How many cloudy days a year does Evansville, Indiana have?
How many sunny days a year does Evansville, Indiana have? How sunny is it?
How many windy days a year does Evansville, Indiana have? How windy is it?
See below for the answers!
MonthNumber of hot, humid daysNumber of very windy daysNumber of windy daysNumber of somewhat windy daysNumber of calm daysNumber of clear daysNumber of moderately cloudly daysNumber of somewhat cloudy daysNumber of very cloudy days
Average year11436165103611642554119

(Note: Humidity, wind, and cloudcover information is based on (a) 30 year averages and in many cases (b) a large nearby weather station. If you're in an area with a lot of "micro climates" actual conditions may vary.)

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Sources of information: Census, FBI Crime Statistics, NOAA
Disclaimer: The information presented here are for the general population, assume the same rate of crime in the future, and an evenly distributed amount of crime throughout the city in question. They are not meant to accurately predict whether one person in particular will be a victim of crime. Percentages are based on the population of the city/town in question, except for burglaries, which are based on the number of households.