Life in Houston, Texas

Houston Reviews Texas Message Board
Are you thinking of moving or relocating to Houston, Texas? Would you like to know what the quality of life is like living in Houston?
Maggie reports in this review:
WeatherHow much crime?What are the neighborhoods like?What are the people like?
The town of Houston is generally pretty warm through out the year. They have long summers with the summer months averaging at about 94 degrees and the average temperature in the winter is 43 degrees. The maximum average precipitation occurs in the month of June with heavy rain. There is some occasional snow through the year in the winter months, humidity and winds. There are no tornado's in this town.The crime rate is above average in this town. I would say it's not the safest city to live in, in the state of Texas. The only kinds of crimes I've heard about are thefts, burglaries, and auto thefts. About 52% of the crimes are thefts, 20% are burglaries, and 10% are robberies.Some of the best parts of town are in the west side of town. The neighborhoods of Melendy,Bellaire, Sugar Land, Greenspoint,and Baywood Dr./Genoa Red Bluff Rd. The worst parts of the town are in the east and south east parts of town. 5th Ward, 3rd Ward, Orem,Winkler,East Wood and Magnolia are all hood areas with a very high crime rate. The homes in the worst parts of town are $60,000 with the monthly rate as low as $900 a month. The homes are older, built between 1940-1969. In the better parts of town the median average price is $300,000. With rentals prices being $1,570. The homes are well established but not old, between between 1970-1999. Majority of the people are British, Korean, or European. In the worst parts of town majority are Black and Hispanic.The town of Houston has a lot of diversity with economic groups of all ages. There are many poorly educated people to top CEO's. The people aren't as laid back compared to its neighboring towns but they're still friendly. Whether you're young, old, single, black, educated, or not educated you will fit right in. There is so much diversity in this town and the homes here aren't as expensive. I'd say if you are wealthy and highly educated its best to live somewhere else in Texas only because there's a high crime rate in this town. Also if you're a retiree its best to not live here because the home taxes are very high.
Downtown AreaRestaurantsSchoolsSingle life
The downtown area/shopping area is very diverse with a variety of shops and restaurants to visit.The best restaurants are BJ's, Artista, Houston's Restaurant, Black Walnut Cafe, and Masraff's.The quality of public schools in this town are excellent, especially some of the Elementary Public Schools. The district and teachers are all very knowledgeable and make sure the students are receiving quality education.There are many restaurants, shops, and bars for singles to meet.
Noisetown comparison vs.Best hospitalTourist attractions
There is an airport and some nearby highways that can be a cause of disturbance for some residents.Compared to its neighboring town of Austin, Austin is definitely safer with lower crime rate in comparison to Houston. The cost of living is lower with less tax. Austin is a better town to live in because the city is smaller and easier to get around and the scenery is lovely. If you're a lover of music Austin is definitely a better place to live.The local hospital is St.Joseph Medical Center. From what I've heard the nurses are rude and the wait time in the ER is very long. However, the doctors are knowledgeable.Some of the nicest places to visit are Rice Village, Houston Museum of Natural Science, and Bayou Bend Collection of Gardens.
General comments   
This town is one of the most diverse towns I've ever visited. It's a big city with heavy traffic and a lot of construction going on. The town feels cultural but it lacks a central cosmopolitan vibe about it. I didn't get a sense of feeling safe when visiting here. There is just a lot going on in this town with many restaurants, shopping centers, and music/culture.   
Houston, Texas population: 2099451

How many black people live in Houston? How many white people?
Number of White People1060491Percentage of White people50.5%
Number of Black People514217Percentage of Black people24.5%
Number of Hispanic People952083Percentage of Hispanic people45.4%
Number of Asian People143301Percentage of Asian people6.9%
Number of American Indian People25521Percentage of American Indian people1.2%

Note: Numbers may add up to >100% because some people are more than one race.

Houston, Texas

Percent college grads: 28.2%
Percent grad school grads: 10.6%
Unemployment rate: 8
Median house value: 123800
Median income: 42962

How many singles in Houston?

Single men ages 20-34Single women ages 20-34Ratio of single men to women age
1846021591321.16men for each woman
Single men ages 35-44Single women ages 35-44Ratio of single men to women age
65949643131.03men for each woman
Single men ages 45-54Single women ages 45-54Ratio of single men to women age
56325629820.89men for each woman

Crimes in Houston, Texas
CrimesAbsolute numbersAverage percentage chance of being a victim in
by typeof crimesOne YearFive Years
Aggr. Assault120611%3%
Auto Theft128171%3%

Weather History for Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas Basic Temperatue and Weather (30 year averages)
MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year0000001027783104
How many days and how much precipitation and snow for Houston, Texas?

Number of days of rain
(.1 inch or greater)
total rainfallNumber of days of snow
(.5 inch or greater)
Total snowfall
Average year575000
Realistic temperatures, taking into account precipitation, amount of sunlight during the day, winds during the day, and humidity during hot days.

MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year0000080712010094

How many hot humid days a year does Houston, Texas have?
How many cloudy days a year does Houston, Texas have?
How many sunny days a year does Houston, Texas have? How sunny is it?
How many windy days a year does Houston, Texas have? How windy is it?
See below for the answers!
MonthNumber of hot, humid daysNumber of very windy daysNumber of windy daysNumber of somewhat windy daysNumber of calm daysNumber of clear daysNumber of moderately cloudly daysNumber of somewhat cloudy daysNumber of very cloudy days
Average year1944118193508353115110

(Note: Humidity, wind, and cloudcover information is based on (a) 30 year averages and in many cases (b) a large nearby weather station. If you're in an area with a lot of "micro climates" actual conditions may vary.)

Jenny the census dog says
Pomeranians count too!


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Sources of information: Census, FBI Crime Statistics, NOAA
Disclaimer: The information presented here are for the general population, assume the same rate of crime in the future, and an evenly distributed amount of crime throughout the city in question. They are not meant to accurately predict whether one person in particular will be a victim of crime. Percentages are based on the population of the city/town in question, except for burglaries, which are based on the number of households.