Life in Pukalani, Hawaii

Pukalani Reviews Hawaii Message Board
Are you thinking of moving or relocating to Pukalani, Hawaii? Would you like to know what the quality of life is like living in Pukalani?
Nisha Balaram reports in this review:
WeatherHow much crime?What are the neighborhoods like?What are the people like?
Pukalani is located in the Upcountry region, so the weather is consistently warm/hot. This is because there is a cloud layer in the Haleakala crater area, which passes over Upcountry and collects to the Kahului region. The Pukalani area is located in the inner region of the island, and it is mostly flat, leading to possible dust storms due to the farmland, but nothing else more drastic. Luckily, despite the heat, Maui is an island that receives frequent rain, so the crops in this region still receive mild to medium rainfall.Due to Pukalani's location and the sheer number of farms and independent estates present, break-ins have been known to be a bit more common in this area. There are less cars parked on the street. Instead, the real property value is inside the gates and fences, and there is easy access to these property values from the road. These break-ins are more likely to occur by people who currently live on the island, rather than tourists. Car break-ins still occur, but are less common since there are less people on the road in general.The better area of town is by the Pukalani Country Club, which is off of Liholani St. This area is highly residential, and has more parks and access to schools (i.e. King Kekaulike School). The homes in this are also fancier and have a more modernistic style, and, due to the ziplining companies in the area, are afforded greater privacy due to a high treeline. The population that tends to live in this neighborhood is older and white. The worse part of town is further South off of the Kula highway. There is little infrastructure here, and the houses here are farm-oriented (single story, not as much upkeep, near a barn and the field).The residents of Pukalani are mostly educated and white. Those people who are in the more residential area (nearer to Makawao) are older and white, and those who are nearer to the Kula highway are young and more ethnically diverse. This is due to the fact that many native entrepreneurs have set up shop here, so we can see representation of many different types of people in the Southern region. If you need immediate access to malls/shopping center and amenities, Pukalani is not for you. You need a car in order to get to anything crucial, so someone living here would need a reliable form of transportation.
Downtown AreaRestaurantsSchoolsSingle life
The downtown area is fairly nice and clean. However, the downtown area serves more the basic needs of its residents rather than having restaurants and other boutique stores. It is recommended to go to Makawao for your shopping needs.Since there are many mainstream options in Pukalani's downtown, places such as Local Mocha Cafe offer good options for breakfast/brunch. It is recommended to go to Makawao if you want more lunch and dinner options.The schools are of lower quality, and there are few. Many children are home-schooled.Since this area is mostly residential, there's aren't many opportunities for singles.
Noisetown comparison vs.Best hospitalTourist attractions
There is mild noise from the Kula Highway, but this isn't drastic, since there isn't much traffic during the week.Pukalani will be compared to its immediate neighbors--Kula and Makawao. Pukalani is the most ideal city to live in because it has a close proximity to wildlife but it is not centered around wildlife. Instead, Pukalani has a good mixture of wild areas and areas that are meant for people to spend money, shop, etc. Kula is more nature-centric, and has a strong farm presence, but this isn't necessarily for everybody. Pukalani also has easy access to all of the roads to lead to various parts of the island (i.e. the Kula Freeway). Makawao, while having more amenities for its residents, is a little more remote and disconnected than the other towns from the rest of Maui.The Kaiser Hospital in Kahului to the North is a good option.There are a variety of nice hiking place in Pukalani off of Kula Highway. Another notable place is the Kaluapalani Gulch. If you're into ziplining, there are many beautiful vistas in which you can view Haleakala's base.
General comments   
Pukalani is a peaceful town in general with a low noise level (little disturbances). This is due to the fact that many of the homes have a good amount of distance between them. The most impacted area is near the main shopping center (with the epicenter being Foodland). However, many of the other residential areas are focused on their trade, and thus, they are usually surrounded by some sort of wildlife or field which relates to their business. Overall, this place is safe and secure, and has reasonable access to everything you need, if you have a car.   
Pukalani, Hawaii population: 7574

How many black people live in Pukalani? How many white people?
Number of White People2513Percentage of White people33.2%
Number of Black People109Percentage of Black people1.4%
Number of Hispanic People827Percentage of Hispanic people10.9%
Number of Asian People6010Percentage of Asian people79.4%
Number of American Indian People216Percentage of American Indian people2.9%

Note: Numbers may add up to >100% because some people are more than one race.

Pukalani, Hawaii

Percent college grads: 21.9%
Percent grad school grads: 7.5%
Unemployment rate: 4.3
Median house value: 646700
Median income: 71941

How many singles in Pukalani?

Single men ages 20-34Single women ages 20-34Ratio of single men to women age
5335370.99men for each woman
Single men ages 35-44Single women ages 35-44Ratio of single men to women age
2192091.05men for each woman
Single men ages 45-54Single women ages 45-54Ratio of single men to women age
2242420.93men for each woman

Weather History for Pukalani, Hawaii

Pukalani, Hawaii Basic Temperatue and Weather (30 year averages)
MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year00000010626000
How many days and how much precipitation and snow for Pukalani, Hawaii?

Number of days of rain
(.1 inch or greater)
total rainfallNumber of days of snow
(.5 inch or greater)
Total snowfall
Average year372300
Realistic temperatures, taking into account precipitation, amount of sunlight during the day, winds during the day, and humidity during hot days.

MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year00000000143222

How many hot humid days a year does Pukalani, Hawaii have?
How many cloudy days a year does Pukalani, Hawaii have?
How many sunny days a year does Pukalani, Hawaii have? How sunny is it?
How many windy days a year does Pukalani, Hawaii have? How windy is it?
See below for the answers!
MonthNumber of hot, humid daysNumber of very windy daysNumber of windy daysNumber of somewhat windy daysNumber of calm daysNumber of clear daysNumber of moderately cloudly daysNumber of somewhat cloudy daysNumber of very cloudy days
Average year247365000169737242

(Note: Humidity, wind, and cloudcover information is based on (a) 30 year averages and in many cases (b) a large nearby weather station. If you're in an area with a lot of "micro climates" actual conditions may vary.)

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Pomeranians count too!


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Sources of information: Census, FBI Crime Statistics, NOAA
Disclaimer: The information presented here are for the general population, assume the same rate of crime in the future, and an evenly distributed amount of crime throughout the city in question. They are not meant to accurately predict whether one person in particular will be a victim of crime. Percentages are based on the population of the city/town in question, except for burglaries, which are based on the number of households.