Life in Taos, New Mexico

Taos Reviews New Mexico Message Board
Are you thinking of moving or relocating to Taos, New Mexico? Would you like to know what the quality of life is like living in Taos?
Emily Walburger reports in this review:
WeatherHow much crime?What are the neighborhoods like?What are the people like?
Weather in Taos is widely varied, with hot dry summers and very cold winters. Summer temperatures average in the mid to upper 80's, with an occasional day in the 90's. The dry desert air makes the temperatures much more comfortable than areas with more humid climates. There is some earthquake danger in the area though it is infrequent. Winters in Taos feel bitterly cold, with temperatures in the single and sometimes negative digits. The city can receive anywhere from 4 to 8 inches of the white stuff during winter months.Taos definitely has no reputation as a safe city, with crime rates higher than the US average. Thefts by far make up the majority of crime in the city, from personal property and home theft to robberies of retail businesses. A small number of thefts are auto and motorcycle thefts. A contributing factor in these crime numbers is the stark contrast between the city's very wealthy and very poor. Violent crime is also high in Taos: assaults are most common, followed by smaller but very concerning numbers of rape and murder.The most desirable areas in Taos are located in the southern part of the city, in the neighborhoods of Ranchos de Taos, Talpa, Canon, and Los Cordovas. The expansive and beautiful homes in these areas are located near the town center with adjacent shopping and restaurants. They also have convenient access to several popular ski resorts.
Less desirable areas are in the northwestern region, near Siler and Dolan streets. The homes in this area are much smaller and lower in value, and there are a good number of manufactured homes and trailers. The nearby Interstate 15 is a deterrent to many buyers.
The people of Taos are a diverse population. There are nearly as many Native Americans as whites, as well as a sizable Hispanic background. The town is a small community of mainly white-collar folks: artists, young professionals, and a good number of well-known celebrities. While Taos' home and vacation property values are among the highest in the state of New Mexico, these resorts sit in close proximity to the more humble and trashy dwellings. Similarly, Taos' residents are a blend of the well-educated and wealthy with the uneducated and low-income.
Downtown AreaRestaurantsSchoolsSingle life
The downtown plaza and shopping in Taos are one of a kind. You'll find unique artifacts and handmade wares here that you won't find anywhere else in the world.Guadalajara Grill offers great authentic Mexican cuisine. The Love Apple is a trendy spot offering made to order burgers and sandwiches.Taos has several public schools, in addition to charter and private schools, which are at or above US average.There are opportunities for singles in Taos, with its abundance of galleries, theaters, and restaurants. Singles may find more opportunities by traveling to Santa Fe or Albuquerque.
Noisetown comparison vs.Best hospitalTourist attractions
Noise in Taos comes from Interstate 15 and tourist traffic, as well as nearby ski resorts.Any comparison of towns is always purely subjective. However one might argue that Taos is a better place to live than Albuquerque. Albuquerque is a much larger, noisier city with much more pollution than found in Taos. Albuquerque also has much more traffic than Taos, where many artists work from home or telecommute.
The capital city of Santa Fe could be considered a superior location to Taos. Santa Fe's crime rate, while not low, is still lower than Taos'. Santa Fe also has a greater supply of real estate with more affordable property values.
Holy Cross Hospital provides excellent inpatient and emergency care services, though more critical patients are usually transported to Albuquerque.The Taos Pueblo, Art Colony, and Taos Plaza are all interesting districts to visit. There are over 80 art galleries in town, and several performing arts buildings. There are also endless outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, golfing, horseback riding, and skiing.
General comments   
Despite the contradiction between rich and poor here, the feeling one gets in Taos is one of fascination and awe. The rich culture and heritage of this southwestern town draws many to its borders and inspires unique artistry. It feels like the kind of place you just want to explore, from the walls of the ancient Taos Pueblo to the banks of the mighty Rio Grande River. The performing arts, outdoor recreation and distinct southwestern flavor of Taos make it one of the most popular New Mexican destinations.   
Taos, New Mexico population: 5716

How many black people live in Taos? How many white people?
Number of White People4064Percentage of White people71.1%
Number of Black People81Percentage of Black people1.4%
Number of Hispanic People3094Percentage of Hispanic people54.2%
Number of Asian People100Percentage of Asian people1.7%
Number of American Indian People434Percentage of American Indian people7.6%

Note: Numbers may add up to >100% because some people are more than one race.

Taos, New Mexico

Percent college grads: 36.8%
Percent grad school grads: 11.5%
Unemployment rate: 13.6
Median house value: 286000
Median income: 36389

How many singles in Taos?

Single men ages 20-34Single women ages 20-34Ratio of single men to women age
2525380.47men for each woman
Single men ages 35-44Single women ages 35-44Ratio of single men to women age
1592080.76men for each woman
Single men ages 45-54Single women ages 45-54Ratio of single men to women age
3201941.65men for each woman

Crimes in Taos, New Mexico
CrimesAbsolute numbersAverage percentage chance of being a victim in
by typeof crimesOne YearFive Years
Aggr. Assault361%3%
Auto Theft120%1%

Weather History for Taos, New Mexico

Taos, New Mexico Basic Temperatue and Weather (30 year averages)
MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year000098585757960
How many days and how much precipitation and snow for Taos, New Mexico?

Number of days of rain
(.1 inch or greater)
total rainfallNumber of days of snow
(.5 inch or greater)
Total snowfall
Average year37121432
Realistic temperatures, taking into account precipitation, amount of sunlight during the day, winds during the day, and humidity during hot days.

MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year0005264584171790

How many hot humid days a year does Taos, New Mexico have?
How many cloudy days a year does Taos, New Mexico have?
How many sunny days a year does Taos, New Mexico have? How sunny is it?
How many windy days a year does Taos, New Mexico have? How windy is it?
See below for the answers!
MonthNumber of hot, humid daysNumber of very windy daysNumber of windy daysNumber of somewhat windy daysNumber of calm daysNumber of clear daysNumber of moderately cloudly daysNumber of somewhat cloudy daysNumber of very cloudy days
Average year0812369192224225840

(Note: Humidity, wind, and cloudcover information is based on (a) 30 year averages and in many cases (b) a large nearby weather station. If you're in an area with a lot of "micro climates" actual conditions may vary.)

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Sources of information: Census, FBI Crime Statistics, NOAA
Disclaimer: The information presented here are for the general population, assume the same rate of crime in the future, and an evenly distributed amount of crime throughout the city in question. They are not meant to accurately predict whether one person in particular will be a victim of crime. Percentages are based on the population of the city/town in question, except for burglaries, which are based on the number of households.