Life in Victoria, Texas

Victoria Reviews Texas Message Board
Are you thinking of moving or relocating to Victoria, Texas? Would you like to know what the quality of life is like living in Victoria?
Keri reports in this review:
WeatherHow much crime?What are the neighborhoods like?What are the people like?
Summers are unbearably hot and rather humid. Winters are chilly (think 40's) and wet. Victoria is hurricane-prone, but rarely takes a direct hit. There is significant rainfall in the fall and spring.As in other cities of the size, there are good areas and bad areas. In the suburbs, the houses are large and ostentatious, and crime is virtually unheard of. In the bad areas, there is a lot of gang violence. Think guns, knives, rape, etc.Good neighborhoods are those surrounding the Victoria Mall, from John Stockbauer to Highway 77, and those near the Houston Highway (Hwy 59) and Loop 459. These neighborhoods are inhabited mostly by Whites and college-educated Blacks and Hispanics. The city has grown a lot over the past few years, so areas that were once suburban are now integrated into the city itself. The bad parts of town are generally north of Laurent Street. They are mostly Black and Hispanic, with a fair number of Whites. There is a very high number of high school dropouts, which many people blame on the low-quality public high schools. High school dropouts and illegals are concentrated heavily in the area surrounding Laurent Street.The people are somewhat friendly. If you walk into a store, you will probably be greeted politely, but don't expect to engage in more than the usual pleasantries with the workers. There is a strong Hispanic presence (think 50% and up), as is the case in the rest of South Texas. There is a large number of illegal immigrants and high school dropouts, so competition for minimum-wage jobs is high.
Downtown AreaRestaurantsSchoolsSingle life
The downtown area is up and coming. It was and still is a poor area, but there are some very nice downtown areas to explore.Johnny Carino's, Casa Ole, Ramsey's, Rosebud CafeElementary schools are great. Middle and high schools are terrible.There aren't really any meeting hubs for singles. Singles need to get involved in a community group, such as a church, YMCA, etc.
Noisetown comparison vs.Best hospitalTourist attractions
There is a nearby regional airport, but unless you live next to it, you won't notice the planes. There is a train track, but again, unless you live next to it, you won't notice it.Victoria is the seat of Victoria County, which consists mostly of small cities such as Inez, Cuero, and Goliad. Many residents of the surrounding cities come to Victoria for shopping and events. Farmers in the outlying areas sell their produce at the Victoria farmer's markets. Victoria is exactly two hours from Corpus Christi, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin, all of which have bigger malls, more events, and better colleges.DeTarRiverside Park, shooting range, Victoria Mall
General comments   
The town generally feels like a growing South Texas city. It has a healthy level of diversity and local entrepreneurship. Texan and Hispanic culture are ver prevalent. There are a lot of places for kids, plenty of shopping, and local parks.   
Victoria, Texas population: 62592

How many black people live in Victoria? How many white people?
Number of White People47697Percentage of White people76.2%
Number of Black People5358Percentage of Black people8.6%
Number of Hispanic People30966Percentage of Hispanic people49.5%
Number of Asian People1139Percentage of Asian people1.8%
Number of American Indian People671Percentage of American Indian people1.1%

Note: Numbers may add up to >100% because some people are more than one race.

Victoria, Texas

Percent college grads: 17.6%
Percent grad school grads: 5.5%
Unemployment rate: 7.8
Median house value: 97200
Median income: 44504

How many singles in Victoria?

Single men ages 20-34Single women ages 20-34Ratio of single men to women age
408241310.99men for each woman
Single men ages 35-44Single women ages 35-44Ratio of single men to women age
174217311.01men for each woman
Single men ages 45-54Single women ages 45-54Ratio of single men to women age
140717280.81men for each woman

Crimes in Victoria, Texas
CrimesAbsolute numbersAverage percentage chance of being a victim in
by typeof crimesOne YearFive Years
Aggr. Assault2690%2%
Auto Theft1060%1%

Weather History for Victoria, Texas

Victoria, Texas Basic Temperatue and Weather (30 year averages)
MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year00000094759998
Realistic temperatures, taking into account precipitation, amount of sunlight during the day, winds during the day, and humidity during hot days.

MonthNumber of Days below zero (degrees)Number of Days 0-20's (degrees)Number of Days 20's (degrees)Number of Days 30's (degrees)Number of Days 40's (degrees)Number of Days 50's (degrees)Number of Days 60's (degrees)Number of Days 70's (degrees)Number of Days 80's (degrees)Number of Days 90's+ (degrees)
Average year0000066533446166

How many hot humid days a year does Victoria, Texas have?
How many cloudy days a year does Victoria, Texas have?
How many sunny days a year does Victoria, Texas have? How sunny is it?
How many windy days a year does Victoria, Texas have? How windy is it?
See below for the answers!
MonthNumber of hot, humid daysNumber of very windy daysNumber of windy daysNumber of somewhat windy daysNumber of calm daysNumber of clear daysNumber of moderately cloudly daysNumber of somewhat cloudy daysNumber of very cloudy days
Average year2082381012601483772106

(Note: Humidity, wind, and cloudcover information is based on (a) 30 year averages and in many cases (b) a large nearby weather station. If you're in an area with a lot of "micro climates" actual conditions may vary.)

Jenny the census dog says
Pomeranians count too!


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Sources of information: Census, FBI Crime Statistics, NOAA
Disclaimer: The information presented here are for the general population, assume the same rate of crime in the future, and an evenly distributed amount of crime throughout the city in question. They are not meant to accurately predict whether one person in particular will be a victim of crime. Percentages are based on the population of the city/town in question, except for burglaries, which are based on the number of households.