Life in Victorville, California

Victorville Reviews California Message Board
KATHY EDISS's review of Victorville California
Are you thinking of moving or relocating to Victorville, California? Would you like to know what the quality of life is like living in Victorville?
The weather in Victorville is very cold, low 20's with a chance of snow in the winters, small amount of rain and can get up to the 100's in the summer.Crime is prevalent in the commercial industry areas with burglaries very common. Home robberies and stolen vehicles are very common.There are newer homes with residents 40% Caucasian and 30% Black and Hispanic. There is also military housing close to the air force reserve base. The older homes are not well maintained and there are affordable housing areas.The people that work in the shops and restaurants are very friendly. The jobs are service related so the ethnicity is mixed, ranging from students working thru school to lower income working to support a family.
Downtown AreaRestaurantsSchoolsSingle life
The newly renovated mall is the largest between San Bernardino and Vegas. It houses a new Lowes, Sears, and fast food.There are several good restaurants connected to the newer mall conveniently located right off the freeway. The Steer n Stein is one of the better ones, with good food and reasonable prices.There are public schools that meet the standards set by California. There are several Charter schools and trade schools.This is more of a family area. There is a small percent - 20% of single parent homes. It seems most singles would rather live in a more 'hip' area.
NoiseCompared to other placesBest hospitalTourist attractions
There is a lot of traffic noise due to the freeway and some air noise from the air base.Victorville is very similar to Apple Valley just to its north. They both have a major freeway connecting the San Bernardino are to Las Vegas. They both have tourist stops with fast food and gas. There are shopping malls recently remodel to bring in more stores for the better of the economy.Victor Valley Regional Hospital is the better hospital in the area. For major trauma a person would be airlifted to San Bernardino county, Loma Linda Hospital.There are several nice areas to do off-roading, skiing, golf and camping.
General comments   
Victorville is the city on the thoroughfare to Nevada from San Bernardino County. It is a hub for military families, some tourist stops and industry.   
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